In addition to the standards and requirements specified in our Dog Park Rules, we want to further describe the general standards of behavior that we believe are essential to creating the kind of culture in which all patrons will thrive. Pet ownership is a very personal matter for everyone, and we all have individual expectations based on our relationships with our own pets. Sometimes, in the heat of the moment out of fear or concern for one’s beloved dog, things can get out of hand. Therefore, we’ve developed this Code of Conduct.
It's paramount that you refrain from condemnation, moral or personal judgments, or shaming of other dog park patrons. Please treat each other with respect.
Acts of aggression will NOT be tolerated, by patrons or their dogs. The Board of the dog park does have the authority to ban patrons from the park.
Dogs over 30 lbs. are NOT ALLOWED in the small dog side of the park, regardless of breed or age.
Small dogs ARE ALLOWED on the all-dog side of the park, however, should a large dog owner indicate that their dog isn’t good with small dogs, the small dog owner should move to the small dog side. LARGE DOGS HAVE PRECEDENT ON THE ALL DOG SIDE.
And as always, please pay attention to your dog and ensure that you pick up when they poop.
Be kind, be courteous, be thoughtful of others.
For an emergency, please contact South Hadley Animal Control or the Police Department at 538-8231.